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Why I took the plunge to open up shop?

So BIG question...... I know right?

Are you one of those photographers that have hundreds or even thousands of images sitting in your storage drive taking up gigabytes? Random pictures of flowers, landscapes, scenic views and other items you just have no clue what to do with.


That was me! I knew there was a reason why I looked over that bridge, pointed my camera downwards and clicked that shutter.

This was the result........

It's my favorite photograph that one day I will print and mount on a wall in my home, some day soon. Then it shall become a piece of art decor that I can spend hours gazing at and wonder the mystery "Where is that? Is it a jungle floor or the end of a pathway to a beachy shore line?" I'll wonder and dream.


Like the image above I didn't want others like it to go unseen. Sitting there collecting digital space and dust. So I did my research and I found that companies use what is called"Stock" images or "Royalty Free" images. These are photographs of everything and anything you can think of to be used as a backdrop for an advertisement, training videos, teaching materials etc. or of an item they may be sold 50% OFF "Shoes" etc. It could really be anything! A stack of money, coins, pencils, cloths, a girl looking off into the distance with her wind in her hair! ANYTHING! As long as it had a general look about it and that sent of message of straightforwardness.

I thought "well I have plenty of those!" Mostly scenic shots, macro flowers throughout the season changes. I'd like to call it "still photography" when the subject just stays still and you can manipulate what the focus of your subject is going to be.

While taking these stock photographs I thought there has to be more I can do with these then just use them as desktop screens for my computer or other devices. A coworker of mine suggested I sell my work online. People can order whatever sizes they want in any form and I would get paid for it. Cool!


The digital world we live today offers quite a few sites to sell your work on.

Here are some popular ones....

iStock by Getty Images


After doing a ton of research over a year or two I saw an ad on the side of my facebook page (KABSPHOTOGRAPHY). The ad was for a site called "CreativeMarket" check out my shop!

This is an awesome website! Let me just say! They are easy to sign up with. Once you've written a shop proposal explaining your reasons why you're wanting to partner with them. They approve and away you go! At least that's how easy it was for me. Another aspect I like about is that everything is recorded for you, to the views of a product or shop, to the sales etc. I just love it. And when I love something that much I like to share it with the world.

Yes, it is a "shop" and though I cannot say that I am totally supported monetarily by it with time I am sure that will come to pass. Until then when one of my creations or works of art sell I'll use that money to purchase a prop or an item for my next themed stock image or flatlay.


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